1106 Perkins diesel - Crankcase Breather (Remove and Install)
Unfiltered Breather
To remove the breather body, Tooling must be used. The tool should be
fabricated from 3.1 mm (1/8 inch) steel stock. The dimensions for the
tool are given in Illustration. All dimensions are shown in millimeters.
Loosen the two clamps (11) and remove the hose (12) from the cover (1)
and from the tube (13). Carefully pry the cover (1) from the breather
body (4). Note the orientation of the outlet.
- the gauze (2) from the breather body (4).
- the O-ring seal (3) from the breather body (4). Discard the O-ring
seal. Use Tooling in order to unscrew the breather body (4) from the
adapter plate (8).
- the O-ring seal (5) from breather body (4). Discard the O-ring seal.
- the two setscrews (6) and the washers (7) from adapter plate (8).
- adapter plate (8) from the valve mechanism cover (10).
- the O-ring seal (9) from adapter plate (8). Discard the O-ring seal.
Filtered Breather
To remove the breather body, Tooling must be used. The tool should be
fabricated from 3.1 mm (1/8 inch) steel stock. The dimensions for the
tool are given in Illustration. All dimensions are shown in millimeters.
- the canister (20) for the breather. Loosen the clamp (19) and remove
the hose (21). Release the two spring clamps (14) in order to remove the
hose (15).
- the hose.
- the two setscrews (17). Remove the base (18) from the inlet manifold
(not shown). If a spacer is installed between the base and the inlet
manifold, remove the spacer (16). Carefully pry the cover (1) from the
breather body (4). Note the orientation of the outlet.
- the gauze (2) from the breather body (4).
- the O-ring seal (3) from the breather body (4). Discard the O-ring
seal. Use Tooling in order to unscrew the breather body (4) from the
adapter plate (8).
- the O-ring seal (5) from breather body (4). Discard the O-ring seal.
- the two setscrews (6) and the washers (7) from adapter plate (8).
- adapter plate (8) from the valve mechanism cover (10).
- the O-ring seal (9) from adapter plate (8). Discard the O-ring seal.
Unfiltered Breather - Installation
Breather tool - To install the breather body, Tooling must be used. The
tool should be fabricated from 3.1 mm (1/8 inch) steel stock. The
dimensions for the tool are given in Illustration. All dimensions are
shown in millimeters.
Ensure that all components of the crankcase breather are clean and free
from damage. Replace any components that are damaged. Lubricate a new
O-ring seal (9) with clean engine oil. Install the O-ring seal to the
adapter plate (8). Install the adapter plate (8) to the valve mechanism
cover (10). Install the washers (7) and the two setscrews (6) to the
adapter plate (8). Tighten the setscrews to a torque of 4.4 Nm (38 lb
Lubricate a new O-ring seal (5) with clean engine oil. Install the
O-ring seal to the bottom of the breather body (4). Use Tooling in order
to screw the breather body (4) into the adapter plate (8). Tighten the
breather body to a torque of 8 Nm (71 lb in). Install the gauze (2) into
the breather body (4). Lubricate a new O-ring seal (3) with clean engine
oil. Install the O-ring seal to the top of the breather body (4).
Install the cover (1) to the breather body (4). Ensure that the outlet
of the cover is in the correct position in order to align with the hose
(12) for the breather. Install the two clamps (11) to the hose (12).
Connect the hose (12) to the cover (1) and to the tube (13). Tighten the
Filtered Breather - Installation
To install the breather body, Tooling must be used. The tool should be
fabricated from 3.1 mm (1/8 inch) steel stock. The dimensions for the
tool are given in Illustration. All dimensions are shown in millimeters.
Ensure that all components of the crankcase breather are clean and free
from damage. Replace any components that are damaged. Lubricate a new
O-ring seal (9) with clean engine oil. Install the O-ring seal to the
adapter plate (8). Install:
- the adapter plate (8) to the valve mechanism cover (10).
- the washers (7) and the two setscrews (6) to the adapter plate (8).
Tighten the setscrews to a torque of 4.4 Nm (38 lb in). Lubricate a new
O-ring seal (5) with clean engine oil.
- the O-ring seal to the bottom of the breather body (4). Use Tooling in
order to screw the breather body (4) into the adapter plate (8). Tighten
the breather body to a torque of 8 Nm (71 lb in).
- the gauze (2) into the breather body (4). Lubricate a new O-ring seal
(3) with clean engine oil.
- the O-ring seal to the top of the breather body (4).
- the cover (1) to the breather body (4).
- the two setscrews (17) to the base (18). If a spacer is installed,
position the spacer (16) to the setscrews.
- the assembly of the base to the inlet manifold (not shown). Tighten
the setscrews (17) to a torque of 22 Nm.
- a new canister (20) to the base (18).
- the spring clamps (14) to the hose (15). Install the hose (15) to the
cover (1) and to the base (18). Ensure that the spring clamps are
correctly positioned in order to secure the hose.
- the clamp (19) to the hose (21). Install the hose (21) to the base
(18). Tighten the clamp.